Tuna Tortang Talong

Tuna Omelette with Eggplant

Written by Martin Bombase, MPH, RD

Serves 3

Description: Tortang talong is a classic Filipino dish made with eggplant and egg. This version adds tuna, a food high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids, making it a great heart healthy choice. 

This dish was inspired by Gayyem Ben, a content creator in the Philippines. 


  • 3 large talong (eggplant) 

  • 2 large eggs

  • 2 5oz cans of tuna (water drained)

  • 1 tsp patis (fish sauce). Sub coconut aminos for low sodium

  • 1 tsp salt 

  • ½ small onion, chopped into small pieces

  • 4 cloves of garlic, ground or chopped into small pieces

  • 5 tbsp oil (Heart healthy oils like canola, avocado, olive oil)

  • To serve: banana ketchup and rice


  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add 1 tsp salt. This will get rid of the bitterness found in eggplant. If you are trying to watch your blood pressure, do not add the salt. Add eggplant (skin and tail on) and boil for about 10-15 minutes or until soft. Take out of the pot and let it cool. 

  2. Bring a large wok to medium heat. Add 1 tbsp of oil. Add onions, cook for 2 minutes. Add garlic and tuna. Cook for 3 minutes and take off the heat. 

  3. Take a spoon and split the eggplant down the middle. Add 3-4 spoonfuls of tuna mix into the eggplant. You can save the rest to eat with the final dish. 

  4. Whisk eggs with patis or coconut aminos in a large bowl. 

  5. Dip eggplant into egg. Spoon some of the egg onto the top of the tuna. 

  6. Bring a large wok to medium heat. Add 4 tbsp oil. Heat for 1 minute until hot. 

  7. Carefully add eggplant (tuna facing up) to wok. Cook for 3 minutes. Flip with spatula and cook on tuna side for 3 minutes.

  8. Repeat step 7 with the remaining eggplants.

  9. Serve with rice and banana ketchup if you want. If you are trying to watch your blood sugar, eat with ⅔ -1 cup of rice (30-45g carbohydrates) and 1-2 tbsp banana ketchup (4-7g carbohydrates).

Nutrition tips:

  • Trying to watch your sodium intake in order to control your blood pressure? The daily recommendation for sodium is 2300mg. Limit sodium to about 700mg per meal. 

    • Version 1 (made with patis, not including banana ketchup): Sodium: 571gm per serving. 25% recommended daily sodium. 

    • Version 2 (made with coconut aminos, not including banana ketchup): Sodium: 437mg per serving. 19% recommended daily serving. 

  • Trying to watch your blood sugar levels for diabetes? There is no exact number of carbohydrates recommended, everyone is different. However it is generally recommended to eat around 60 grams of carbohydrates a meal. 

    • Carbohydrates (just dish): 10 grams

    • Carbohydrates with rice and banana ketchup: 45-65 grams


Chicken Tocino with Eggplant